What are winters like in charlotte north carolina?

Daily high temperatures are around 55°F, and rarely fall below 38°F or above 72°F. The lowest daily high temperature is 51°F on January 14. Daily lows are around 36°F, and rarely fall below 21°F or above 53°F. In Charlotte, summers are hot and muggy, winters are very cold and humid, and it is partly cloudy all year round. Throughout the year, the temperature generally ranges from 33°F to 89°F and is rarely below 21°F or above 96°F.

January marks the peak of winter weather in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is also the coldest and most cloudy month in the city. Temperatures range from highs of 52.3 degrees Fahrenheit (11.3 degrees Celsius) to average lows of 31.8 degrees Fahrenheit (-0.1 degrees Celsius). Occasional freezing temperatures cause an increase in snowfall, and the city has an average of 1.6 inches (40.64 mm) of snow after 0.9 days of snow. Please wait a moment and try again.

Sugar Mountain has a 5,500-foot summit and a 1,200-foot vertical drop, the largest of North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains. The estimated value in Charlotte is calculated as a weighted average of the individual contributions of each station, these weighted averages being proportional to the inverse of the distance between Charlotte and a given station. The first snowfall in history in Charlotte was on Halloween, on October 31, 1887, when only one trail was recorded, and there was also a trail of snowfall several days in early November, but the first accumulated snow in Charlotte measured 1.7 inches in November.

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